75th Annual Maskat Shrine - Under Armour Oil Bowl Classic to use StatBroadcast Live
WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS -- For the first time in its 75 year history, the Maskat Shrine - Under Armour Oil Bowl Classic high school all star game will broadcast its stats live around the world, using the StatBroadcast Live platform and network. The Oil Bowl Classic, which began in 1938, is an All-Star game featuring the top football players from high schools in Texas and Oklahoma. It will be played on June 9, 2012 at 7:30 PM from Memorial Stadium in Wichita Falls, Texas, the home field of the Midwestern State Mustangs. Organized bhy the Maskat Shriners, the proceeds from the game help support local charities.
The Oil Bowl Classic has a long list of notable alumni players and coaches. Among players who went on to notable careers at the college and/or pro levels following their appearance in the Oil Bowl are Bobby Lane (1944), Hayden Fry (47), Bud McFadin (47), Billy Howton (48), Preston Carpenter (52), Ronnie Bull (58), Scott Appleton (60), Jerry Levias (65), Bill Bradley (65), Steve Owens (66), Jerry Sisemore (69), Steve Largent (72), Art Briles (74), Kenny King (75), Ray Crockett (85), Randy Gatewood (91), Skip Hicks (93), Frank Middleton (93), Rashaun Woods (99) and Jason White (99). Currently active players include Phil Dawson (93), Kris Brown (95), RW McQuarters and Kelly Gregg.
The Oil Bowl coaching tree is almost equally impressive, including College of Football hall of fame coaches Jess Neely, Dutch Meyer, Homer Norton, Matty Bell, Bobby Dodd, Gil Steinke, Grant Teaff, as well as the current coach of UTSA Larry Coker.
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